Java Access Modifiers.
Access modifiers play a crucial role in object-oriented programming,
especially in Java. They determine the visibility and accessibility of class
members such as variables, methods, and constructors. In this blog, we will
dive into the world of access modifiers in Java and understand their
significance in building well-structured and maintainable code. We will
explore the different types of access modifiers available in Java, including
public, private, protected, and more. Additionally, we will examine real-world
examples to demonstrate how these access modifiers can be applied to enhance
the security and stability of your Java applications. So, if you're ready to
learn all about access modifiers in Java, let's get started!
What are Access Modifiers?
Access Modifiers are keywords in object-oriented programming that control the
visibility and accessibility of class members (such as variables, methods, and
constructors) from outside the class. They determine who can access the
members and from where they can be accessed. Common access modifiers in Java
include: public, private, protected, and default (package-private). Using
access modifiers helps to maintain the security and integrity of data and
logic within a class and promote better code organization and maintenance.
Types of Access Modifier
There are four types of access modifiers in Java:
1) Public: Members declared as public are accessible from anywhere.
2) Private: Members declared as private are accessible only within the
class and not from outside the class.
3) Protected: Members declared as protected are accessible within the
class and its subclasses.
4) Default (package-private): Members with no access modifier specified
are accessible only within the same package and not from outside the package.
Lets see all access modifiers one by one.
1) Default Access Modifiers.
The default access modifier in Java, also known as package-private, is the
access level applied when no explicit access modifier is specified. Members
with the default access modifier are only accessible within the same package
and not from outside the package.
For example, consider the following code:
package com.example; class DefaultAccess { int defaultField; void defaultMethod() { System.out.println("defaultMethod"); } }
In this example, the field defaultField and the method
defaultMethod have the default access level, which means they can only
be accessed within the same package, com.example. If we try to access
them from outside the package, a compile-time error will occur. This access
level provides a good balance between visibility and protection, as it allows
members to be used by classes within the same package while still keeping them
private from classes in other packages.
2) Private Access Modifier.
The private access modifier in Java restricts access to a member (such as a
field or method) to only within the class in which it is declared. Members
declared as private are not accessible from outside the class and are
considered part of the implementation details of the class.
For example, consider the following code:
class PrivateAccess { private int privateField; private void privateMethod() { System.out.println("privateMethod"); } }
In this example, the field privateField and the method
privateMethod are declared as private. This means they can only be
accessed within the PrivateAccess class and not from outside the class.
If we try to access them from outside the class, a compile-time error will
occur. Using private access helps to encapsulate the implementation details of
a class, making it more secure and easier to maintain.
3) Protected Access Modifier.
The protected access modifier in Java restricts access to a member (such as a
field or method) to within the class in which it is declared and its
subclasses. Members declared as protected are not accessible from outside the
class or its subclasses, but are accessible within the class and its
For example, consider the following code:
class ProtectedAccess { protected int protectedField; protected void protectedMethod() { System.out.println("protectedMethod"); } } class ProtectedSubclass extends ProtectedAccess { void accessProtectedMembers() { protectedField = 42; protectedMethod(); } }
In this example, the field protectedField and the method
protectedMethod are declared as protected. This means they can
only be accessed within the ProtectedAccess class and its subclasses.
The ProtectedSubclass is a subclass of ProtectedAccess and can
access the protected members without issue. If we try to access the protected
members from outside the class or its subclasses, a compile-time error will
occur. Using protected access helps to encapsulate the implementation details
of a class, while still allowing subclasses to access and use the members as
4) Public Access Modifier:
The public access modifier in Java makes a member (such as a field or method)
accessible from anywhere in the program. Members declared as public are
accessible from outside the class, as well as within the class.
For example, consider the following code:
For example, consider the following code:
class PublicAccess { public int publicField; public void publicMethod() { System.out.println("publicMethod"); } }